Elect to Elect


Sunday Sit, Sip, and “Sync” ~ 11-4-2012

It’s finally here!

Election Week!

And I know we are all ready to have the phone calls, the advertisements, the yard signs, and the social media posts behind us.

With the entire negative, we can’t forget the wonderful privilege we enjoy living in a democracy where we have the freedom to choose our representatives.

I am often reminded of that when talking to my mother who experienced life as a very young girl in Germany during WWII.

She has shared countless examples of what their lives were like under the dictatorship of the Third Reich. She could hardly comprehend the freedoms she would have as she stood on the deck of the ship watching the Statue of Liberty come into view as a young war-bride in 1948. She “served” next to my father all through his long career as a soldier in the U.S. Army, and she loves being an American. She has already cast her vote.

As a teacher, I always vote early in the morning,
and wear my “I Voted” sticker to be that role model to my students.

And so it goes this week.

As fifth grade teachers, we often shared units of study, and for several years, I was given the task of explaining the “Electoral College”. Many of us struggle with this concept, and my lessons often included interactive pieces on the SMARTBoard paired with videos. I want to share two videos that I have used in the past.

We hope these help you, and more importantly we hope that they help your students have a better understanding of how our government works.

The last thing we can do is to encourage all of our friends to exercise the freedom that we should never take for granted.

Please vote.