Just Beam It!


Sunday Sit, Sip, and “Sync” ~ 4-8-2012

Just the other day,
Shannon and I explained what an “f2f” friend was,
and now here is another “text term” to add to your “tech-vocabulary”. 


Peer-to-Peer is how you will use JustBeamIt,
making transferring large files up to 2GB quick, quick, quick, and easy.

You no longer have to upload and attach a file to an email wondering whether you have exceeded your file-size limit,
and wait for the recipient to receive and download it.

This is for quick “must-have-now” files that need to be sent immediately.

The site directions are:

1.)   Drag in a file (or select one) to “beam”. 

2.)   Share the link, keep your browser open. 

3.)   The file is beamed to your recipient once they open the link. 

JustBeamIt is for transferring from source-to-destination only, and no file contents are recorded or stored on their servers. 

If you close the file before the file is downloaded on the other end,
the link will be broken, and the file will be gone. 

The little video below demonstrates the simplicity of JustBeamIt

We hope you have a wonderful Easter filled with blessings, family, and sunshine,
and your week follows filled with the same.