


Sunday Sit, Sip, and “Sync” ~ 7-7-2013

“Organization isn’t about perfection;
it’s about efficiency,
reducing stress and clutter,
saving time and money
and improving your overall quality of life.” 

― Christina Scalise

This morning, as I was slowly waking up preparing myself for the day, I checked the weather, my notifications, and finally, my “Inbox”.

I received an email with the subject, “You’ve been reclipped!”.
Just like that.
With an explanation point for extra emphasis.
And I had to stop and ask myself, “Why all the excitement?!!!!”
Then, I remembered,
and more important,
I remembered that I needed to share it with our readers.



What is “Educlipper”?

In quick terms, it is a social bookmarking site that looks and feels like “Pinterest”. 
Except, unlike Pinterest, (which, by the way, we love), it contains no wedding ideas and “how-to’s” for braiding your hair.

It’s just for educators and their “stuff”.

But I warn you.
Save it for a rainy day.

Or for a project that requires some procrastination.
Again… It’s like Pinterest.

This little video might explain it best…

Educlipper allows you to filter through the clips separating them into:

  • websites
  • documents
  • videos, and
  • images.

You can organize your “clips” onto “Boards” that allow you to save and access clips that are relevant to your teaching and those that you need to have when you need them.


Crucial. How many times have you read articles or have seen ideas that made you think about developing a new project or activity, and when it is time to “shake things up” in your classroom, you either can’t remember them, or can’t find them. (Okay, so I’m the only one?)

Well, this solved that problem for me. I have even been known to find ideas on Pinterest and clip them to my Educlipper Boards.

So, if you want to spend a few (or a lot) of hours organizing ideas for this coming school year, click on the image below that links you to We recommend that you make an account and start clipping and reclipping!
It’s free!


Can we suggest that you wait until it rains?

Have a great Sunday and a great week!
With Independence Day, we like to think that we still have half of our summer vacation left!
Enjoy every single minute!