Back in the Day…

iPad2 Photography tips

Sunday Sit, Sip, and “Sync” ~ 4-22-2012

everyone is posting those “vintage” pictures.

It seems ironic that, while advances in technology have made digital photography an amazing form of art, one of the most popular apps recently purchased by Facebook, was developed to make those digital photographs look like the product of a 1950’s camera.

If you are one of the many who like the look of vintage photos,
this site is for you.


…since the “picnik” is officially over,
this might be the site you choose to use as its replacement. is a website that offers free online web-based photo-editing options that include applying a “vintage” look to your favorite photo.

This site includes so many options, that we invite you to explore it on your own.

There is also “an app for that”,
(both iTunes and Android).

On this rainy Sunday,
why not listen to an “Oldies” music station,

and turn some of those photos into something your grandmother would have loved…