Alphabet Soup

Monday Morning Message ~ 5-2-2011

I had a chance to attend the Discovery Educator Network Spring Virtual Conference 2011 sponsored by the Missouri Discovery Educator Network at the Cooperative School Districts Virtual Learning Center.

One of the sessions was entitled “Alphabet Soup”.
The session was excellent and dealt with all the Web 2.0 tools and the unlimited ways we can use them to teach our students new things.

The presenter mentioned that the image on his title slide took him two and a half hours of preparation, plus several cans of soup.

We thought you would enjoy creating your own image of alphabet soup minus the hours of labor and soup cans.

As teachers, we can think of endless ways to use something like this,
but why not give your kids a chance to have some fun with it, too.

The idea of “Alphabet Soup” can be a spinoff for so much imagination.
I could not begin to list the ways a bowl of alphabet soup could be used as a story starter, but I know ten minutes of brainstorming with my students could generate a list with enough ideas that they will want to run, not walk, to the computer lab.

Provide the link for them,
watch the different bowls that are generated,
and teach them to save their images to be used in their personal projects.

Finally, find a way to share their stories or projects.
What a quick way to fill that last bulletin board of the year!

Most of all, make it fun for you and your students!

(Just click on our little picture of our “alphabet soup bowl”
to take you to the generator!)


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